Feedback Day

Are you ready for the big day? The big Feedback Day that is…

Saturday March 4th is your day to let us know about anything that has been on your mind! We will be recording your input and using it to better our products and services. Do you want to know why Feedback is so important?

Here are 5 reasons:

  1. Feedback is always there.
  2. Feedback is effective listening.
  3. Feedback can motivate.
  4. Feedback can improve performance.
  5. Feedback is a tool for continued learning.

Watch the video below for more details!

Who: You!

What: We want to know how you feel about us? What got you started?  How did you hear about us? What do you like most about Gym Rats Fit? What keeps you motivated? What workouts do you enjoy most? Anything you want to share about your experience with us, we want to know!

Where: Our Gym – 3300 Harrison St. Suite 8 Riverside, CA 92503

When: Saturday March 4th between 11am – 2pm

How: Come on in, we’ll be waiting for you!

Why: It’s simple, your success is what matters most! With your feedback, we learn how we can improve and make your experience that much more effective and unforgettable!

Contact: [email protected] or (951) 295-8149

Fill out the form below and let us know if you will be attending, thanks!

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